Church on the Hill - San Jose, California

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Fall 2016, Week 2

Hopefully you had a great first week and are looking forward to your next meeting. Remember to send out a reminder with the questions attached to remind people about your group and also to encourage them to take some time and jot down some answers to the questions before your meeting time. Discussions always seem to be a lot better and deeper when people have thought about the questions ahead of time. The other reason we ask for people to answer the questions before group is that it brings many different perspectives into the conversation whereas when we just respond at the group if the first response relates to work usually all of the following responses relate to work. Obviously you do not need to force everyone to have responses written beforehand but it will really help the conversation if everyone does. I hope this is a great week and please tell me about any good stories that you hear from your group about groups.  

Here are this week's resources: